Ass Trusted Location For Powerpoint On Mac

понедельник 27 апреляadmin

When you install the OneDrive sync app for Mac, a copy of your OneDrive is downloaded to your Mac and put in the OneDrive folder. This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder on the OneDrive website, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in your OneDrive folder and vice versa.

Imagine this situation: you started working on a presentation, saved it couple of times, then got so much involved in yourwork that you spent an inordinate amount of time working on it without saving it. Then, your computer unexpectedly crashes orjust shuts off due to some unexpected crisis. Or maybe just PowerPoint crashes for some reason. Does it mean you are now leftwith your presentation in the status when you last saved it and lost all your work? Not really because you can restartPowerPoint, and one of two occurrences may happen:

  1. PowerPoint starts with opening the presentation file, so you can save any salvaged work and continue using your file.
  2. The Document RecoveryTask Paneappears, with up to three autosaved versions of your file. You can select which version you want to keep.
Note: To see the options mentioned above, you must haveAutoRecover or AutoSaveoptions turned on, and you should also ensure that the save interval is sufficiently set to save your work frequently.

Follow these steps to use the Document Recovery Task Pane to recover your presentation afterPowerPoint or your OS crashes: Latest vst banks vol 59 for mac.

  1. Launch PowerPoint 2016 and you may see theDocument Recovery Task Pane, as shown in Figure 1.
    Figure 1: Document Recovery Task Pane
  2. Within the Available Files list, click the button with the downward pointing arrow next to therecovered file (highlighted in red within Figure 1) to bring up adrop-down list, as shown in Figure 1.
    There are four options available within the list, which are explained below:
    Click the Open option to review the recovered version of the file
    Click the Save As option to rename and create a new version of the file
    Click the Delete option to delete any recovered version(s) of the file
    The Show Repairs option is often grayed out, unless PowerPoint finds a file that's notcompletely useable it, then attempts to salvage whatever content it can save. You can then select the Show Repairs option to proceed.
  3. Save and keep any recovered file that you want.

Recovering Presentations Manually

Another possibility of losing your work done on your presentation is if you close the presentation in a hurry, ignoringPowerPoint's warning to save it (which is almost impossible). Note that in this case when you re-open PowerPoint, the Document Recovery Task Pane won't appear. And if you need to see presentations within the Document Recovery Task Pane, there really isn't an intuitive way to launch it. To access this list of autosaved presentations manuallywithout Document Recovery Task Pane, follow these steps:

Kenwood kr a 5040 service manual. To open downloaded files you need acrobat reader or similar pdf reader program.

  1. Launch PowerPoint 2016, access the File menu, and choose Options, as shown highlightedin blue within Figure 2.
    Figure 2: Choose File Options
  2. This brings up the PowerPoint Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 3. Withinthe PowerPoint Options dialog box's sidebar, make sure that the Save option (highlightedin red within Figure 3) is selected. Locate the AutoRecover file location box (highlighted in blue within Figure 3).
    Figure 3: PowerPoint Options dialog box
  3. Copy the AutoRecover file location folder path (highlighted in bluewithin Figure 3, above). Close the PowerPoint Options dialog box.
  4. Now, access the Backstage view, select theOpen option, as shown highlighted in blue within Figure 4. Then select the This PC option, highlighted in red within Figure 4. Finally click the Browse button (highlighted in green withinFigure 4).
    Figure 4: Browse button
  5. This brings up the Open dialog box, as shown in Figure 5. Notice the area highlighted inred within Figure 5, below. Within this area paste the previously copied AutoRecover file location folder path.
    Figure 5: Open dialog box
  6. Now, within the Open dialog box you can see the names of all presentations that were open in the lastsession of PowerPoint, as shown highlighted in red within Figure 6. But as youcan notice, there are folders instead of PowerPoint files. Just double-click on the folder that shows the name of thepresentation you want to recover.
    Figure 6: AutoRecover file location opened within Open dialog box
  7. This will show all the recoverable autosaved (and also unsaved) versions of the selected presentation, as shown inFigure 7. Select the file and click the Open button to recover it.
    Figure 7: Files within the Open dialog box
  8. This will open the selected presentation in PowerPoint as shown in Figure 8. You will see a stripabove the Slide Area to indicate the fact that this is a recoveredpresentation. Just click the Restore button(shown highlighted in red within Figure 8) to save it as original file. A window will show confirmingthat you are overwriting the last saved version. Click the OK button in the window to accept.
    Figure 8: Recovered unsaved file
Note: If you have lost any presentation that was not even saved once, that presentation will be autosaved in adifferent location. To learn how to recover the presentations that were not even saved once, explore ourRecovering New UnsavedPresentations Manually in PowerPoint 2016 for Windows tutorial.

See Also:
Recovering Unsaved Presentations inPowerPoint 2013 for Windows
Recovering Presentations Automatically in PowerPoint 2010 for Windows