Free Program Guild Wars Macro/bot

вторник 28 апреляadmin

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in PVP

Macros are forbidden from this game, but seems also that ANET has no way to detect those who use them.
Given the fact that a good player can win with or without macros, at this point wouldn't be better to allow macros instead?

It's something everybody has access to, and it would eventually mean more binds in order to play.
The current situation shows a scenario where some use macros while other don't.

Or maybe a 1/4 sec internal cd on all instant skills.

Let's also remember that we can't provvide reports for this, becasue report a video could show somebody using teleport hack, but not macros.
Screens and report won't do nothing.


  • Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

  • edited January 29, 2018

    @Cynz.9437 said:
    Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?
    It was just an alternative.

    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.
    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

  • @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:
    Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?
    It was just an alternative.

    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.
    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

    Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?

  • edited January 29, 2018

    @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:
    Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?
    It was just an alternative.

    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.
    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

    Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?

    Is Players with over 10k ap using macros in spvp enough?
    I happened to add to friend those who was definitely clear they used macros ( like a so good blink forward with mesmer staff. With burst macros i can only guess that they probably used a macro, but It's definitely hard to say ), and after months they were still avaible to login

    Let's say that they can't do anything but ban players using teleport hack ( and we can make videos as proof ), but about macros seems to be different.
    Currently it is forbidden to use them, but even so many players are using them ( and i can continue adding those who I find, but even so I doubt I will ever see somebody permabanned from the game and his name removed from Friend List or something like this ).

  • @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:
    Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?
    It was just an alternative.

    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.
    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

    Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?

    Is Players with over 10k ap using macros in spvp enough?
    I happened to add to friend those who was definitely clear they used macros ( like a so good blink forward with mesmer staff. With burst macros i can only guess that they probably used a macro, but It's definitely hard to say ), and after months they were still avaible to login

    Let's say that they can't do anything but ban players using teleport hack ( and we can make videos as proof ), but about macros seems to be different.
    Currently it is forbidden to use them, but even so many players are using them ( and i can continue adding those who I find, but even so I doubt I will ever see somebody permabanned from the game and his name removed from Friend List or something like this ).

    First of all, LOL @ AP.

    Secondly, you can record fights and create a ticket. In-game report function is a placebo - everyone knows it. With some luck those people will see some punishment (although it would assume that most don't even get reported).

  • edited January 29, 2018

    @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @Cynz.9437 said:
    Give one good reason why they should invest resources into it.

    About the 1/4 sec internal global cd?
    It was just an alternative.

    I would prefer that they decide instead to allow macros, 'cause It is clear that there's no way to punish who is using them.
    And also it's not something which needs to be developed.

    Why do you need that decision, if based on information, they can't track macro-users anyway?

    Is Players with over 10k ap using macros in spvp enough?
    I happened to add to friend those who was definitely clear they used macros ( like a so good blink forward with mesmer staff. With burst macros i can only guess that they probably used a macro, but It's definitely hard to say ), and after months they were still avaible to login

    Let's say that they can't do anything but ban players using teleport hack ( and we can make videos as proof ), but about macros seems to be different.
    Currently it is forbidden to use them, but even so many players are using them ( and i can continue adding those who I find, but even so I doubt I will ever see somebody permabanned from the game and his name removed from Friend List or something like this ).

    First of all, LOL @ AP.

    Secondly, you can record fights and create a ticket. In-game report function is a placebo - everyone knows it. With some luck those people will see some punishment (although it would assume that most don't even get reported).

    I managed to create tickets in the past, but now i consider doing this not worth it ( also, many others would report instead of me, so there's no point in add 1 single report ).
    About the AP It's true.
    I happened to see players with some AP and not only smurfs, and both ( veteran accounts and barely new ones ) were not banned.
    The point was that players cheat even with their main account ( the AP was only the proof to me ).

    Also we are not talking about punishmet but about a ban.

    If you cheat or exploit you should be banned from the game, not being punished.

  • if the game wasnt so spam friendly macros would not benefit

  • edited January 29, 2018

    The safetest and most obvious solution is to ban all mesmer players Kappa


  • @Sandzibar.5134 said:
    The safetest and most obvious solution is to ban all mesmer players Kappa


    Um, eles would be probably biggest offenders actually.

  • edited January 29, 2018

    It may not have been a serious post, but sure lets add them to the list too.

  • why would you use macros in the first place? most skills are situational at the same time you combine several skills used at several different situations to one button. u gonna cut your own flesh there.

  • @Cynz.9437 said:

    @Sandzibar.5134 said:
    The safetest and most obvious solution is to ban all mesmer players Kappa


    Um, eles would be probably biggest offenders actually.

    Scepter FA eles more precisely.

  • anet pls add global cd to the game cuz some mesmer killed me

    No dude lmao

    the funniest post in the forum:

  • @shinta.8906 said:
    why would you use macros in the first place? most skills are situational at the same time you combine several skills used at several different situations to one button. u gonna cut your own flesh there.

    Obviously nobody would replace his skills with macros. Macros would be some extras Depends the situation ( as for each specific skill ).

    Your point has definitely no sense ( unless you would have done what you wrote, but I doubt ).

  • @Shirlias.8104 said:

    @shinta.8906 said:
    why would you use macros in the first place? most skills are situational at the same time you combine several skills used at several different situations to one button. u gonna cut your own flesh there.

    Obviously nobody would replace his skills with macros. Macros would be some extras Depends the situation ( as for each specific skill ).

    Your point has definitely no sense ( unless you would have done what you wrote, but I doubt ).

    they specificly mean fa weavers and i said it makes no sense to have macros on fa weaver. why would my point make no sense? sometimes u need to double atune fast in air. sometimes u handycap urself with it depending on the situation. fa weavers look alot like macro usage i get that but the problem here is not macro usage but the qeueing of skills that make it look like it. as i said binding a said burst rotation on one button handycaps you so it doesnt make sense to use macros at all on fa.

  • Macros? no need for them I can effectively hit all the keys for my combo at the same time when I use my face.

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    Also to include the reality Arena net isn't really known for dishing out punishment for people using macros regardless of whether they actually can prove it or not.

    Considering there are several pressing issues regarding PvP atm ranging from balance to ineffective reporting for PvP based offenses I don't expect macros to be high on their list of things they actually intend to enforce so wth might as well use em lol besides what are they going to do ban you for using them? Kek

  • I have the feeling the game is designed so macros play a minor role. The might help maually bad players a bit but won´t bring to large boosts. Shure defining a few buttons to execute 2-3 keys in a row might help but it won´t help with the realy important things like positioning, awareness and reactive gameplay .. and last but not least build wars ;-). So i think the route allowing them might not be so bad. Problem is people will find a strong combo where a macro is better and there will be some that overuse it. It´s usually the outliers that then ruin balance so globally banning macros is a save version that then allows to lock down the problematic users ..

  • @Wolfric.9380 said:
    I have the feeling the game is designed so macros play a minor role. The might help maually bad players a bit but won´t bring to large boosts. Shure defining a few buttons to execute 2-3 keys in a row might help but it won´t help with the realy important things like positioning, awareness and reactive gameplay .. and last but not least build wars ;-). So i think the route allowing them might not be so bad. Problem is people will find a strong combo where a macro is better and there will be some that overuse it. It´s usually the outliers that then ruin balance so globally banning macros is a save version that then allows to lock down the problematic users ..

    The problem is that those people do already exist.
    With the new patches macros could indeed change, but even so it's not the issue if there's no ban currently.

    What keeps some players away from using macros is the fear of loosing everything ( account ban ), which however won't ever happen ( different is for speedhack or wintrade, or bots because we do have some casese which have also been posted on the old forum. However investigating takes its time, and i guess mostly because of the small team ).

  • 'GW2 and Macros' ? I think it's better, 'All games and Macros'.

    In most games macros are used, and are forbidden, and they are never detected in any.

    At least in GW2 you do not have that much use, because often everything depends on the situation.

  • In a Burst v Burst Game, macros are king.

    It is fairly obvious that a significant proportion of players in Ranked PvP are using macros.

  • @lilypop.7819 said:
    In a Burst v Burst Game, macros are king.

    It is fairly obvious that a significant proportion of players in Ranked PvP are using macros.

    Oh thanks.
    Finally somebody said that.

  • edited February 1, 2018

    u guys rememberwhen players were glitching LoS and FoV on WvW for the ac's and Anet responded, 'it is just players increasing their performance'

    I imagine Anet inner response to macros, it is just the same has before..

    TDLR: all that matters are the titles farming @ Anet eyes.

  • The only macro i wouldn't mind would be a dodgejump macro, but for skills I don't see the point of it, maybe in pve noobs use macro for their rotation, but then where is the fun of pressing 1 or 2 key only which does all the rotation for you? Pretty brain dead and kills the fun of playing and complexity of playing a game.

    Each skill should be played alone in a certain situation.

  • in PvP it doesn´t matter. It´s personal betrayal. And as long as the pvp aspects are situational/reactive focused macros play a minor role. For executing bursts loaded with instant skills it becomes a matter especially in lower ranks.

  • The fact you have a macro, guys, doesn't mean that you stop to use the single skill alone when needed.

  • Shure. It helps if you have 1-3 extra buttons for the burst macro combo´s.

  • @Wolfric.9380 said:
    Shure. It helps if you have 1-3 extra buttons for the burst macro combo´s.

    Due to the fact that gw2 has only few buttons, this is definitely not a problem.
    During the time I played WoW i used to have from 30 to 40 binds, so if compared to GW2 the latter has way less buttons to use.

  • @jihm.2315 said:
    if the game wasnt so spam friendly macros would not benefit

    It isn't at all..
    In fact, that's why I encourage allowing macros. I can't imagine any situation where they'd benefit.
    Well except for two scenarios that I use macros. But, nothing will come of it.

    There are videos of players clearly and undeniably cheating in-game, yet they aren't banned. Anet simply does not ban anyone except gold-selling bots.

  • I get this feeling the most likely to use macros are the mage classes.

  • edited February 5, 2018
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